Monday, August 6, 2012

Types Of Testing

1) Acceptance Testing:

Acceptance test is the final phase of testing that will be performed before the delivery of the application or the system. It is a test which is performed to determine whether a system meets the business requirements and specifications. This type of tests are usually done by the Client for validation of its acceptance criteria. Testing approaches are usually Black Box Testing and GUI Testing and may involve adhoc testing or smoke testing.

2) ACID Testing:
ACID stands for:  
  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation 
  • Durability
Databases can be briefly termed as two types:
1) OLTP - On-Line Transactions Processing and
2) OLAP - On-Line Analytical Processing.

When databases handle secure business transactions and secure data then ACID behavior tests are quintessential requirements. It tests for reliability, consistency and stability. For businesses and customers that pursuit colossal quality of databases, to conserve and control confidentiality of their business information, ACID factor is what is expected.

Atomicity can be termed as database transactions or operations that are influenced within a single transactions kind of behavior - “complete all or fail all”. The complete transaction fails if any one of the transaction fails. This makes secure that the database is in a valid condition at any given time. 

For example, if a user uses online transactions facility, to withdraw from one account and deposit into another and transaction fails due to power failure or some other network problem then the current transaction should be rolled back or reversed. Atomicity can be described in two ways:
1. Rollback feature and 2. Two phase commit protocol.

Data Consistency is preserved by allowing only valid transactions that conform to database presets. And some of these constraints are:
1. Not NULL or Unique constraint for a column.
2. Semantics: Some semantics and rules validate whether data in the column conforms to above said format. Ex: Phone Number should be numeric and alphabets should be rejected etc,.

Every transaction is queued before or after another transaction. If multiple number of parallel transactions are anticipated, then a boisterous database system is required which can assure isolation. Databases use Locking system to provide Isolation. A single row, table or the entire database can be locked when a particular transaction takes place.

A transaction should strive, once it has been committed or completed - regardless of failures of any kind.
There are 2 ways to keep up durability:
1. Replicate database into a back up system or 
2. Use two servers which are being run simultaneously on separate machines which are Load Balanced servers.

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