Saturday, December 7, 2013

Test Scenario

Test scenarios are hypothetical stories which the tester uses to predict the user behavior, problems and system complexities. Scenarios can have multiple steps whereas Test cases have Single step. Hence Test scenarios are different from test cases.

The flow of documentation is as follows:

  • Use Case can be written using Functional Specification.
  • Test Scenario document can be written using Use Case or Functional specification or wire frame.
  • Test Cases document can be written using Test Scenario or Use Cases document.


|   Introduction to Software Testing   |   Roles and Responsibilities of a Software Tester   |   What is a Test Case   |   Software Testing types and Methods   |   STLC Process   |   Hierarchy Chart   |   Differences between Desktop application testing, Client Server application testing, and Web Based application testing   |   Most Common Interview Questions   |   Resume Preparation Tips   |   SDLC Models   |   Blog Index   |   Software Testing FAQs   |

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